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Time Wasters: Funny Things People Do Everyday That They Shouldn't

Updated on July 30, 2012

Where is your time going?

You hear it all the time. Stop watching so much television, get off of Facebook, and quit looking at yourself in the mirror. It's called wasting time, and Americans are good at it. Of course, wasting time is somewhat a subjective topic, as different personalities will not agree on what is truly a poor way to spend precious minutes and hours. Music lovers may scoff at people who watch football, and Grandma may never understand the value of Pinterest, however, there are other time wasters that aren't so obvious. Check out the following list and see how many you would check off.


10. Buy clothes for their pets
Hundreds of thousands of people are starving around the globe and America's pet industry is a booming market. Celebrities with toy breeds stroll the red carpet with gems and jewels dazzling off a leash or collar, and the message is clear: spending obnoxious amounts of money on pets is trendy. Why not take some of that brain power and cash and give it to the humane society or other animal friendly charity?

9. Watch the weather
While there may be a slight benefit to knowing the forecast ahead of time, what good does it do to waste your time listening to meteorologists speculate about something they get wrong half the time? There are so many factors that go into weather prediction, it's best to use the five senses God gave you to determine whether or not you head to the beach.

8. Argue about sports
You hear about it in the news all the time. Somebody at a bar got a little too excited about their favorite team, and a disgruntled poor sport of a drunk took it personally. Sports can be a fun past time- a little competition is good for the brain. But to engage in an argument about which team is better and why? Spend your time and energy somewhere else.


7. Read their horoscope
Perhaps people who read horoscopes say they don't really believe in astrology, and yet it is a chronic habit for many. While being a surefire way to waste time, it also can hinder a person's ability to get to the root of a problem. Oftentimes the bottom line is the person is looking for guidance. Latching on to something that is written down can blind an individual to seeing the truth surrounding the issue.

6. Pick at their body
Whether it is biting your nails, picking at a callous on your foot, or chewing on your lip, these habits waste time. They are useless expressions of excess energy, and can cause infection in your body. Not only will you have scars and pain, you will have doctor's bills as well. Talk about a waste of time and money.

5. Obsess over a bowel movement
It sounds strange, but it is a lot more common than people realize. It is a nasty habit of wasting time that no one wants to admit to. It's a common problem in the elderly, and sadly- of all populations on the Earth, they are the ones with the least amount of time to waste. If you are younger and this is an obsession, figure out why so you can stop obsessing.

4. Poke fun at others
Tease, mock, or bully someone and you've wasted time. Not only is it hurtful to the person you are targeting, but it ruins your credibility and character. "77% of students have admitted to being the victim of one type of bullying or another." Any attempt to put down someone else is simply a last ditch effort to control the feelings of self-hatred and insecurity you have about yourself.


3. Read the National Enquirer
You should feel sorry for the writers who make a living on the biggest waste of time magazine ever published. People may not admit they believe it, but then why read it? Most of the stories are inflamed, exaggerated, and do more to hurt others' reputations than deliver accurate news. Do your pocketbook a favor and leave the enquirer on the shelf next time you are at the store.

2. Buy diet pills, videos, and books
You may not agree that this is a waste of time but rather an investment into the health of your body. Despite the fact that the majority of diet products on the market do not work, people continue to get sucked into the marketing surrounding the obsession to be thin. Americans spend over $40 billion dollars a year on these gimmicks. Why not examine the reasons behind your overeating and spend money on counseling or a support group?

1. Worry
Worry has become so much a part of our culture, people don't realize how much time and energy is spent on worrying. Natural disasters, mysterious illness, abduction, money, and all sorts of other unlikely events plague our psyche morning, noon, and night. The biggest lie about worrying is the thought that somehow it serves a purpose. If you think and obsess about it enough, you will prevent the unthinkable from happening. It just isn't true. Worry will zap you of your resources and confidence faster than anything. Put an end to all that anxiety.

-Julie DeNeen
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Jack Johnson- Wasting Time


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